For første gang arrangerer Norges sjømatråd med norsk næring og samarbeidspartnere seminar med fokus på norsk saltfiskproduksjon.

Denne internasjonale møteplassen inkluderer Masterclass med toppkokker fra Portugal og Spania, lærlingkonkurranse med saltfisk som råvare og næringsseminar.

Industry Seminar 21st of September

Kystens Hus, Tromsø

10:00Registration and coffee

10:20Welcome – Trond Rismo/NSC

10:30The Norwegian Directorate of fisheries - Regulation of fishing quotas, and control of fishing according to regulations. Anastasia Henriksen/NDF

10:50  Institute of Marine Research – Monitoring of the Norwegian seas, research and scientific advice. Gunnar Sætra/IMR

11:10Salted Cod highlights – Ingrid Kristine Pettersen/NSC

11:30Premium quality from the start – Paul O. Jensen/Fisherman


12:45Norwegian Salted Cod production and sales – Tor Krane/Unicod

13:05Consumer trends in Portugal– Johnny Thomassen/NSC

13:25Future prospects Spain - Víctor Grandío Vázquez/Grupo Nueva Pescanova

13:40SALDICOM project – Lorena Gallart/FHF



Interessert? Ta kontakt med Trond Rismo.

Industry Seminar 21st of September

Kystens Hus, Tromsø



10:00  Registration and coffee

10:20  Welcome – Trond Rismo/NSC

10:30  The Norwegian Directorate of fisheries - Regulation of fishing quotas, and control of fishing according to regulations. Anastasia Henriksen/NDF

10:50  Institute of Marine Research – Monitoring of the Norwegian seas, research and scientific advice. Gunnar Sætra/IMR

11:10  Salted Cod highlights – Ingrid Kristine Pettersen/NSC

11:30  Premium quality from the start – Paul O. Jensen/Fisherman

11:50  Lunch

12:45  Norwegian Salted Cod production and sales – Tor Krane/Unicod

13:05  Consumer trends in Portugal– Johnny Thomassen/NSC

13:25  Future prospects Spain - Víctor Grandío Vázquez/Grupo Nueva Pescanova

13:40  SALDICOM project – Lorena Gallart/FHF

14:00  End