Norges sjømatråd, Innovasjon Norge og den norske ambassaden i Madrid, Spania inviterer til et felles webinar om viktigheten av bærekraft i sjømatmarkedet. Webinaret vil foregå på engelsk.
Se hele webinaret her,
«Sustainability from ocean to plate»
Team Norway in Spain with the Embassy, the Norwegian Seafood Council and Innovation Norway have the pleasure of inviting you to a Spanish-Norwegian webinar focusing on the importance of sustainability in the seafood industry via the following themes:
- Aquaculture and sustainability - challenges, innovations and future opportunities
- Fisheries - developments in Spain and Norway relating to governance, innovation and trends
- Welcome by Team Norway
- Official opening
- Introducing The Explorer – green tech from Norway,
Helene Friis, Head of The Explorer
Part 1 Aquaculture
- Norwegian salmon and sustainability. Why consuming Norwegian salmon is a sustainable choice
Solveig van Nes, Marine Prospects - Take action today for a different tomorrow
Krister Hoaas, Manager of Public Affairs, Lerøy - MMC First Process
A fresh perspective to Spanish Aquaculture, Javier Ojeda, Managing Director, Apromar
Part 2 Fisheries
- New receiving area for white fish trawler- Sustainable fish handling with digitalization
Viggo Brevik, VP Global sales manager, Optimar - Progress of European fisheries towards environmental, social and economic sustainability
Javier Garat, General Secretary, CEPESCA - Questions and concluding remarks
The webinar will have simultaneous translation English-Spanish.